Kayak Gini?

Download Video in Facebook Without IDM!

Written By Masteham on Thursday, January 19, 2012 | 3:15:00 AM

It's easy, just follow this step!, manut sajalah sama Masteham :D
1. First, Pastikan tampilan video like this picture

2. Then, klik kanan and Copy!

3. Go to THIS site

4. Look at this gambar!, change and copy!

(wait!, this pict is blur!)
be smart gan!, how about to try to right-click and open in new tab! :D

5. Paste di mari gan

6. Choose! salah satu saja, which do u want!

7. You must know the next step!

8. That's all.... ^_^

3:15:00 AM | 4 komentar | Read More